Wang Yusong


Partner & Patent attorney
Professional specialty
Lawyer Wang has 10 years of office management experience, 20 years of patent authorization, patent right confirmation and patent infringement practice agency experience.
In terms of patent authorization, Wang has acted as an agent in more than 3,000 cases of various types, covering many industries and fields such as computer, electrical engineering, pharmaceutical, chemical, biological engineering, etc. As the chief patent officer, Wang has
participated in the artificial intelligence Laboratory of Tsinghua University, the video communication project of The Radio and Television Group, and the series projects of the Institute of Geophysics of China Seismological Bureau, and successfully carried out all the business of
patent authorization. The authorization rate of invention patent is over 90% at present.
In terms of patent right confirmation, Wang has acted as agent for dozens of cases, including all types of cases, such as patent invalidation, patent reexamination and blocking before patent authorization.
In terms of patent infringement, during the career as a lawyer, Wang acted for the "Fuyanjing" infringement case involving more than 10 million yuan and the "Black bone rattan" infringement case of Laolaifu Pharmaceutical Co., LTD.
Agent client
Zhongguang hot cloud technology co., LTD., Tsinghua university, North China university of technology, institute of geophysics, China seismological bureau, Sina Weibo, Aerospace group, Chinese academy of sciences and other hundreds of units.
Work experience
Wang Yusong, the founder of the law firm, founded Drugip in 2009. Founded Aipunajie in 2012.
Education and training
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Heilongjiang University and Shenyang Pharmaceutical University.
Lawyer Wang has the Chinese patent agent qualification, the Chinese lawyer qualification and works as the main designer and code developer of the patent management system of the institute.